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The information on the following pages is aimed at providing a basic overview of the UK nuclear industry and the career opportunities that it offers.

The Energy Mix


What do we use energy for in the UK, and how do we produce it? This page gives a summary of the state of energy production in the UK and describes why more than one method of producing energy is important. To visit this page, click here!


Why Nuclear?


With the current nuclear power stations in the UK getting older, they need to be replaced as they are shutdown in order meet the UK’s electricity demand. Why should nuclear replace nuclear? Why not coal, solar or wind? This page describes the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear and why it should be part of a larger energy mix. Click here to learn more.


Career Opportunities


This page contains a number of helpful links with careers advice and inspiration for those looking to enter the nuclear industry, as well as some general tips that the Critical Paths team would like to pass on from their recent experiences of leaving school and deciding on a career. To visit this page, click here!


What is STEM?


STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths education. This page explores why it is so important that young people are engaged in STEM education, why there is such a demand for people with STEM skills, and where you can go to find out more information. You can even volunteer and become a STEM ambassador! Click here to visit this page.


Useful Links


There is a huge amount of great information about the nuclear industry and opportunities within the industry on the internet. We have compiled a few handy links to check out on our Useful Links page, here.

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